The earth brings us closer together, allows us to relate to her through her stories, and provides us with knowledge naturally from her form, smell and color. Families plotted borders, and still draw borders, gambling on a common goal, community, and history. Others on the contrary, draw lines of devastation, separation, neglect, banality, senselessness and denial.
Land has been given out of fear, pain, ignorance, and absolute determination. Many have received it with approval and megalomania. The invisibility of an idiosyncrasy that for centuries has been linked to the ground is sown, the land that gives life, provides food, shelter and knowledge…many boast of this abusive act.
Land is worthless, it gives ... the land is worth everything, you fight, you sow, you live in it, CONNECT, acts of resistance.

Actions that arise from hopes of the lives that dream of prosperity, equity and happiness. Hopes that are like pollinating seeds that travel with the wind, will find connections, common dreams, and new acts of resistance.

Conservatorship Vanishing Points 

  • Location: GUESTPROJECTS 
  • Date: July 4 to july 31, 2014
  • Product: Art Residency

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